i am: privileged to be where the Lord deemed fit to place me
i know: that I'm a sinner
i want: to live a useful life
i have: a wonderful family and a great church
i wish: I could somehow communicate feelings better
i hate: sin
i miss: my friends who live far away
i fear: roaches, wasps, sharks, deep-end swimming pools
i feel: deeply, but don't usually show it
i hear: a professor talking about mathematical definitions
i smell: Mia because she
almost always smells sweet
i crave: donuts...
i search: my heart and pray for God’s guidance
i wonder: if I'll have another niece or nephew and why I'm not taller :)
i regret: wasting time doing trivial things, not taking certain aspects of the Christian life seriously
i love: my family, church, and the beautiful weather right now
i ache: in my throat and not because I'm going to cry
i care: about those that I love
i always: clean things, wake up with my hair looking perfect
i am not: very silly or tall
i believe: that the Bible is the Word of God; that my family loves me more than anyone ever will; that the Lord is sovereign over His creation
i dance: sometimes but I usually have to be taught the moves
i sing: low and it certainly doesn't sound as pretty as some
i cry: when someone has hurt me
i don't always: speak as kindly or compassionately as I should
i fight: with my words
i write: poetry occasionally
i never: wear shoes around the house
i write: because it helps me clear my mind
i listen: to classical music when I'm sad, to country when I'm happy, and hymns anytime
i need: maturity to grow in grace
i can usually be found: in the kitchen doing something or reading
i win: very often
i lose: rarely
i confuse: Bible verse references, betweeness of points and rays
i am happy about: all of the things in my life right now
i imagine: what my life will be like 10 years from now
Ok, so I used some of Jasmine's answers because she words things so beautifully and I love that. Normally I like to do tags but this was a long tag so anyone who wants to do it is... IT!
In Christ,