Friday, March 26, 2010

Anyone like football?

Annually, My dad hosts a football game to kick-off the new year. This is our fifth year to host this event. Besides a few nicks, bruises, sprains, thrown-out backs, and mud-splattered clothing, everyone usually remains unharmed by the end of the game. I don't usually like watching football but this game is the one I will watch. Not only do I get the chance to work on my photography skills, but it is also good for a laugh. My good friend, Cameron, created this video for us (by request), in honor of this year's game. Cameron is quite the expert on filmmaking and so, he was the perfect man for the job. Thank you, Cameron! We greatly appreciate it.
Enjoy the video!

In Christ,

P.S. you will need to pause the music at the bottom of the page so as to get the full effect of the movie.

1 comment:

Anna Mc. said...

Mica,that was awesome! I loved when the song switched. Cameron did a great job making the pictures and videos in sync with one another:)


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