Saturday, February 6, 2010

Four and a half: Glass, Lunch, and Paint

Dear Mom and Mica,
Yes, two posts in one day; doesn't exactly follow code but there you have it.
Here is a photo of my delicious lunch; the pbj tortilla was...yummy.
I can't think of many other things that are better or equal to pbj tortillas, it's no wonder I grew up on them. I think the glass that was sweetly given made the milk taste even better.
I would post a picture of Caro and Dad's wonderful work on her desk but I'm not at liberty to disclose those photos to the public; besides, I value my life more than that photo.
See you tomorrow!
Since this is the second letter I posted I really can't think of a thing to say in the "p.s. section"
Ah well.


Rebecca said...

Rejoicing with you in the reuniting of your family!

Elizabeth said...

Wow!!! A pbj tortilla?! I must try this! Why have I never tried this?!


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