Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Blessing of Children

A couple of weeks ago, Mica, Mom, and I had the blessing and opportunity to be present for a home birth of a lady in our church. Well, now we are able to spend three days helping that family this week. This will be a "Mother's Helper Time" much like it was for me when I went to my Aunts house for two weeks. This time it will be both Mica and I serving together; we are both really looking forward to it.
I'm not sure how often we will be able to write, but I know we will have plenty to tell when we get back.
Even though it is such a short time, I pray that the Lord would use us to minister and serve this family in every way we can; also that He would grant us every measure of grace and patience that we require to complete this in a loving and Christ-exaulting way.

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