Monday, March 12, 2012

Estate Sale find!

An estate sale find in Austin!
A first edition book, in wonderful condition, but what attracted me was that the previous owner was a colonel of, I'm assuming, the Air Force. His name was written in the first page (in clear, exact print). This colonel was apparently the one that died, because the estate sale was selling all different kinds of plaques and framed documents. It was all very impressive. Though I paid more for this book than normal, I thought it was worth it!

Close up on the corner of the book. I'm not sure if it has any significance.
Anyone know?

Another estate sale find, except in Houston. I thought it was a cute book, and I probably paid $2 or something. I'm currently reading this book. The book is 26 mini biographies of famous men (Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse, James Whitcomb Riley, Robert Dollar, and Calvin Coolidge, to name a few) and the story of their childhoods. A children's book from 1932. I was thinking about selling it, if it isn't that great of a read.

A little bit nicked and worn, but in good, readable condition!

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