Friday, May 29, 2009

The Blessings of a New Baby

Dominic Ethan is a week old today :)
Here is the first picture we have of him uploaded. The first picture we have is not very pleasant and might bring back bad memories for him later, so here is one of him fully clothed and in the arms of Mia.
As he is the first boy, you can expect to see more pictures of him from various angles in this blog.

This morning I had the pleasure of holding Dominic while everyone ate. It was very quiet in the house as Mom had taken Sophia and Mia to Round Rock for some donuts (A very special treat).
As he looked at me with those deep blue eyes I thought of how happy he had made our entire family. How "long" we waited and could hardly believe he was here, and a week old.
Before Nicole was induced, we had a bit of a fright with him, different concerns arose; so when he arrived healthy and "perfect" we were just thankful that the Lord had seen fit to allow a new baby boy into the family.

Then I thought of the many young, new mothers who don't have what we have.
For them, children are not a blessing.
Once a month, my family and I volunteer at the Crisis Pregnancy Center in downtown Houston. And there I see many young women who are scared and anxious about the same thing that made me so utterly happy.
I can say that volunteering at the center has given me a new compassion for single, pregnant mothers.
Before I was a bit judgmental of the women with the mini skirts and flashy "blouses";
now I see that their exterior is only a symptom of the true problem in their hearts.
It's a unique time that they come in to the center: the deed is done, their desire has taken action and they come in with a possible result inside them.
When they come to the center, what they are looking for is a test, result, and sometimes information about how to rid themselves of their mistake.
But what they need is Christ.

So, as I thank the Lord His provision and sovereignty, I pray for the single, young mother.
That she would be apart of His kingdom;
that God would see fit to save her and show her what He thinks of her.
And that she would see how precious she is and her baby is in His sight.


Margarita Marques said...

amen, and amen Elena. Your insight always puts me to tears.

Young Again said...

Sweet Elena~ Beautifully put!

I'm sure that you are as much of a blessing to the women you meet at the Crisis Pregnancy Center as you are to those of us who know and love you.



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