"And let us not grow weary of doing good,for in due season
we will reap, if we do not give up.
So then, as we have opportunity,
let us do good to everyone,
and especially to those who are of the household of faith."
Here is just a fresh look at this encouraging passage of scripture.
So many things come to mind when I think of growing weary of doing good:
Corrie and Betsy Ten Boom, missionaries, George Muller, Sarah Edwards, David Brainard.
These people, and many more like them, are all known for their steadfastness, patience, and faith. But I know that there were instances in which they just couldn't go any further. And whether it was this passage or another that they clung to, they didn't give up.
After all, what would The Hiding Place be like if Betsy decided that she had hid enough Jews and prayed that God would never send them another? How many lives would George Muller not have ministered to, if he just sent the orphans away? I realize that in each of these situations, God's will would have been done with or without those people.
My point is that these examples didn't allow themselves to be bogged down with the cares and burdens of this world; they didn't throw in the towel or tell the Lord they were finished. They grasped His word and held tightly onto Him, because they knew that He was the only sure foundation for their lives.
Yes, being hospitable is tiring; yes, your life will be very busy and sometimes stressful when you minister to others. You can feel weighed down and tired when you carry someone elses burden, but isn't this what believers are called to do? This ought to be our joy and desire. Not because we want to appear holier or better than anyone, but because we truly
love our brothers and sisters in Christ and want to encourage and uplift them in a way that
truly will: by prayer and always pointing them back to the scriptures for their every comfort, consolation, hope, and peace.
That is a true friend.
So, what am I working on?
Being grateful for every opportunity to do good to others, giving a testimony by my works of what He has done in my life; no matter what the time frame.
Being grateful that He is using me in their life and simply serving in the way that He sees fit and for as long as He sees fit.
"We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ."