Dear Mia,
Happy 5th birthday! Five years ago, I was blessed when God brought you into our lives. You were so small; I couldn't believe it when I saw your dark hair, eyes, and skin. Those tiny fingers, but big eyes.
I'm so thankful to have watched you grow and mature over the years. From learning to walk, to sucking your thumb, to wild stories, to cuddly times on the couch, to times when you cry, to time when you can't stop laughing, to jumping on the trampoline with the sprinkler, to learning to read.
I love to see how you love your family. How you enjoy anything related to chocolate and movies, but can't stand whipped cream; how you love to sing hymns and always wear dresses; how you like organizing cabinets, but don't like cleaning up toys.
I pray that the Lord will draw you unto Himself one day. That you would be a virtuous woman of God, one whose beauty is known by your "quiet and gentle spirit". That you would learn to fear the Lord, for this is beautiful and worthy of praise. That the gospel would be your passion and Christ would be your focus.
Mia, I love you!